Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Wally's unusual eyes. At 5 months.
Bringing Wally home from Canberra was pretty terrifying. He whined and whined for the three hour car trip back to Sydney. Next came three sleepless nights for my boyfriend and I while Wally adjusted to his new home.

Monday, 27 May 2013

Meet Wally

This is Wally.
Wally is a dog. A Siberpoo.
A crazy, astonishing, shaggy, shocking and dazzling mix of two really normal breeds. I bet you can't guess which ones. He has one brown eye and one blue eye, a big snout and wooly brown fur. I think he is amazing so I want to share him with everyone. This is his story.

Once upon a time, in Canberra, a slender white husky went for a walk in the park. There, frolicking in the sun she was literally bowled over by a boisterous standard chocolate poodle. Impressed by the poodle's long legs and silly hair cut miss husky gets carried away in a moment of passion. Her owner had been preparing for a litter of pure-bred huskies so you can imagine the surprise when (four months later) out pop a handful of multi-coloured pups. The biggest was Wally.